Communication Skills in the Workplace

Technical proficiency alone is no longer adequate for today’s jobs. Instead, your soft skills ultimately define your success as a person or a member of an organisation. One cannot avoid professional interaction – whether in person, on-call or through a screen. Simply put, completing a task or effort requires the collaboration of a team, and […]

The avalanche of statistics causes many issues. Why not focus on the most important hard skills? Or, when, how, and which soft skills are most important? So, what’s the recipe? Because the playing fields are similar, successful jobs require both soft and technical skills. Let’s zoom in!! ‘Power is a tool, influence is a skill;

Soft Skills vs Hard Skills: Which Are More Important and Why?Read More »

Respect is earned, not given. That means you’ll be stuck in a rut, doing the bare minimum to get by but never progressing. This post’s 31 essential key workplace phrases will help you gain workplace respect. Let’s start! Individuals who interact with consumers face to face must be aware of essential words since they may

31 Key Phrases Guaranteed to Make You More Influential Employee at WorkRead More »